- Geography (42,000 square miles)
- Location
- Climate/Weather
- Geographical Areas
- Coastal Plains/Lowlands
- Piedmont/Transitional Zones
- Highlands/Mountains (2/3 of the country)
- Terrain/Topography (3 Geographical Zones)
- Tierra Caliente
- Tierra Templada
- Tierra Fria
- Mountain Ranges
- Sierra Madre
- Sierra de Cuchumatanes
- Volcanoes
In Antigua- puff puff - Tajamulco
- Tacana
- Acetenango
- Fuego (my awesome photography skills)
- Agua
- Atitlan
- Pacaya
- Natural Resources/Agriculture
- Natrual Hazards
- Environmental Issues
- Population
- Age
- Growth Rate
- Ethnic Groups
- Language
Click on the link on the Left
- Urbanization
- Major cities
- Religion
- Literacy Rate
- Demographic Profile
- Income Level
Like I have mentioned before, the above bullet points will be in much more detail in my final write up. It is important for those going to Guatemala to know the basics, so all of this information will be provided prior to departure for missionaries.
Making progress folks!
Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
when it is in your power to do it
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